Purad® – PVDF

Purad® Ultra High Purity PVDF Piping System

Purad® UHP PVDF is the premier product for high purity water systems. The SOLEF™ PVDF resin we carefully selected and our stringent cleanroom manufacturing process provides the cleanest piping material available. Purad® is the best choice for systems with critical requirements for water quality and the prevention of product manufacturing impacts.

Purad® is the only system with a complete range of fittings in the thin wall SDR 33 (150psi) for 90 & 110mm (3″ and 4″) sizes. This option provides significant cost savings for Asahi customers.


Ideal Applications Include: UPW, WFI, Semiconductor, Photovoltaic, Pharmaceutical, Nanotech

Supply Range


20 – 315 mm (1/2″ – 12″) SDR 21, 230psi
90 – 315 mm (3″ – 12″) SDR 33, 150psi